GMO Labeling Group Head Hosts Fundraiser for Pro-Monsanto Hillary Clinton?

We all know that biotech lobbyists spend millions of dollars influencing the political agenda, but the former CEO of Stonyfield Farms and a public supporter of GMO labeling just hosted a $2700-per-person fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in his own home. What were the intentions? discloses some interesting information about how Hillary is raising funds for her 2016 presidential campaign. You wouldn’t expect the former chairman of the board for, Gary Hirshberg, to be pandering for money for a known GMO supporter, or would you? Let’s hope it wasn’t like that.
According to the Boston Globe, Hirshberg said that the fundraiser didn’t mean he was supporting Hillary for president. reached out to Hirshberg through Scott Faber, the current executive director of Just Label It, and they have yet to receive a response.
Clinton was recently dubbed “the bride of frankenfood” by former supporters in Iowa who learned that she had deep ties to the biotech industry while she was campaigning there.
Clinton is on record stating that biotech professionals need to continue to promote the case for GM seed:
“I stand in favor of using seeds and products that have a proven track record. . .There is a big gap between what the facts are, and what the perceptions are.”
According to the Guardian Liberty Voice:
“Clinton has also declared her desire to get industry representatives around a table to have an “intensive discussion” about “how the federal government could help biotechs with insurance against [financial] risk.”
Additional Sources:
Featured image sourced from: Occupy
Gary Hirshberg is probably of the Liberal mindset and likely has the impression Hillary Clinton aims to do good in the world. Another dupe!
As someone of a “Liberal mindset,” I’ve never considered Madam Clinton to be a liberal. Her stances and actions harm people. Her support for pharmaceutical corporations being exempt from death/injury lawsuits, e.g. Her support (while holding Canadian oil interests) for the potentially extinction-vent Keystone XL tar sands pipeline from corrupt TransCanada, e.g.
Bernie has my full support! #Bernie2016
Mine too. A look at the “Issues” section of his site shows that he supports what mainstream America wants – universal healthcare, universal education, jobs, infrastructure repair, curbing fossil fuel corporations, and – unlike ALL the other candidates – NO MORE WAR.
This is silly when she trying to run for president and she got a lot of corruptions and scandals in her recent history. WE don’t need another Clinton living at the WH again.
No more Clintons and no more Bushes. Good ol’ Mr Geo. Washington set a precedent a long time ago when he refused to be named king. The US of A doesn’t need a hereditary monarchy.
That’s right!
Catching up on my back reading here – and I’m Really glad to see an article on Clinton’s GMO connections. Bush (typically Republican with his financial scams and anti-woman viewpoint) is also out of the question.
Bernie Sanders in 2016!