1. blank Jimmy Russels says:

    Why has no one firebombed the labs of these mad scientists?

    1. Because that would be illegal, and could harm another person?

      1. Is that not the best thing to do with these mad scientists? Just plain burn them.

        1. ginger, I don't think it's an experiment. I think it's an extermination plan, and they know EXACTLY what they're doing. There have been studies proving that GMOs cause sterility, and that they cause cancers. But Monsanto just blinks and says no studies are 'needed!' I guess not, if they are already well aware of what they do!

        2. dig up the fields and burn em out

  2. I agree! what hold does Monsanto & associates have on politicians? fda & usda approve them all the time!

    we cant even have gmo labeling? sounds like communist china to me

    1. Check the resumes of USDA and FDA high ranking officials. ALL of them are associated with Monsanto. The corruption runs deep. I hope we can survive their plans. It really is us or them.

    2. blank Orianayonva says:

      The reason the FDA and the USDA approve Monsanto all o f the time is because those government entities have Monsanto players who pass it through. Prior to being the Supreme Court Judge who put GW Bush in office,Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer. The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (Anne Veneman) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Calgene Corporation. The Secretary of Defense (Donald Rumsfeld) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle pharmaceuticals. The U.S. Secretary of Health, Tommy Thompson, received $50,000 in donations from Monsanto during his winning campaign for Wisconsin's governor. The two congressmen receiving the most donations from Monsanto during the last election were Larry Combest (Chairman of the House Agricultural Committee) and Attorney General John Ashcroft. (Source: Dairy Education Board) and the kicker…. In order for the FDA to determine if Monsanto's growth hormones were safe or not, Monsanto was required to submit a scientific report on that topic. Margaret Miller, one of Monsanto's researchers put the report together. Shortly before the report submission, Miller left Monsanto and was hired by the FDA. Her first job for the FDA was to determine whether or not to approve the report she wrote for Monsanto. In short, Monsanto approved its own report. Assisting Miller was another former Monsanto researcher, Susan Sechen. Deciding whether or not rBGH-derived milk should be labeled fell under the jurisdiction of another FDA official, Michael Taylor, who previously worked as a lawyer for Monsanto. So when you get to the nitty gritty…Monsanto owns our government about as much as the elitist bankers do.

  3. blank Dr.NV Giridharan says:

    Initially the idea was to release sterile males into population and that way have a cotrol over mosquito poulation.When was it decided to go in the GMO way..REAL MAD…

  4. I can't believe we as humans are letting them follow thru with their horrible experiments ..

    I am sure that' the outcome will not be good..

    May we wake up soon

  5. blank yankee phil says:

    Why isn't a petition circulated ,perhaps on the internet for instance, asking why these problems aren't addressed by the FDA or the UN center on disease control and forcing the issue on the presidency and congress. I believe with more than a million signatures the congress must allow the petition to be heard on the house floor and entered into the records of house business,thusly making it news worthy for mainstream news services to pick up on.

    1. There was a petition with 1,000,000 plus signatures sent to the FDA about labeling, months back. They LOST the petition, if you can believe that! They didn't give a rat's rip! That was when people said, oh well, we'll depend on Prop 37. The people did NOT vote that out. That election was totally rigged. There is no way you can make me believe that people didn't vote for that. Even if they didn't CARE about GMOs, why would they care if it was on the label? They did apparently send letters out saying that people would have to pay a lot more for their groceries if the Prop passed.

  6. And so are we without asking victom of some wierd ppl that think that money heals the world. Nature didnt invent illnes for nothing.How hard it may be , it is not all bad. We are creations from it and are wa bad? Nature wil strike back with an force that we cant manage as we see already over the whole world. But the money ppl dont care. They are not in those places where the tests are done. So they are pretty safe. NOW.

  7. Iam flabbergasted…about the announcement…just plain craziness..I don't know what everything is going to end.

  8. blank Avis Edwards says:

    All of this has been going on for a very, very, very long time. GMO's in veggies & meat have been hid from the public for many decades now. All I know is the fallout is and will be horrific. God is watching!

  9. Hi, great article, also agree a pinterest button and a stumbleupon button would be great as well. When are we going to go after these people and companies. Surely if the world would become involved, they could be stopped.

  10. People are already getting infected from mosquitoes from different virus's. Now when they find one with no cure, who will be held accountable for our sick children?

    You know, not everyone can buy organic. We live in a very small town, there is only 4 places to shop, and it does not say organic on ANY of the stores! There is no farmers market here..Pay Off's Pay Off's, for people's lives!

  11. blank Kimberly Preston says:

    What about effects on birds and frogs that eat this? This has been done before?! Did Monsanto create the bird flu?

  12. blank Kimberly Preston says:

    Talk to your store managers. Grocers have to understand that this movement will effect stores who don’t give the consumer what they want. Organize a public protest in your town. Let people know, GMO’s cause Autism, Diabetes, Arthritis, Lupus, Cancer, Thyroid Disorders, other Endocrine Disorders, IBS, Food Allergies, etc. I am finding that older people just don’t believe all this.

  13. blank Funk Obumer says:

    yes your totally correct. I wish people would wake up to the insanity going on!!!!!!!!!!!

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