1. Wow, Gates behind Monsanto??? I'm super happy to know I am not an Apple user. Wow.

    1. minor comment: Gates is not Apple…… he is Windows.

  2. Shame on Billy Gates.

    Aug 30, 2010 – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has purchased 500000 shares of Monsanto stock. Monsanto is the world's largest producer of genetically …

    Monsanto wants to control World Food [toxic food], destroying India's farmlands and other countries now.

  3. Gates is not Apple and Gerald is named Gerard – I hate Monsanto with a passion, but this article is not correct.

  4. blank Terri Pimental says:

    Round up corn has mutated our corn causing it to test positive for genetic contamination destroying its viability for consumption. Those who seek to monopolize and toxify our ground, air, water, and food are threatening this planet's biodiversity which is leading us into economic and ecological disaster.

    Discussion is over! This planet is showing what it thinks of the disrespect. As my grandmother Yehwehnode Two Wolves would say "other council fires were here before ours and if it is not done right another council fire will be lighted".

    Begin by writing to the Gates Foundation requesting grant money for the construction of a biodome in order to ensure your 'right to farm' and protect your what was once 'traditionally grown food crops'. The Courts are no longer for 'We The People' as the rendered decisions are not for the protection of biodiversity, but for the monopolization by corporations.

    For the fifth year I had to tell my grandsons that there was very little sweet corn. This year they were old enough for a field experiment. They had worked hard to plant the seed. They learned that the corn traditionally grown became mutated. The protected corn grew fine, but was a great deal more work having to articicially pollinanate with little paintbrushes. My grandsons are growing up being told how and why this is happening and Monsanto and Bill Gates are now part of this corn story.

    If you do not know where your food comes from, then do not subject yourself to it…and make your voices heard…


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