The Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe’s Effects on the Pacific Ocean

By: CC Research Group
Just prior to the Supermoon of March 18th, 2011, the world witnessed a natural and man-made disaster of epic proportions. What transpired off the coast of Honshu Island, Japan on March 11 has forever altered the planet and irremediably affected the global environment. Whereas the earthquake and tsunami proved to be truly apocalyptic events for the people of Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima is proving to be cataclysmic for the entire world.
Most of the world community is still unaware of the extremely profound and far-reaching effects that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has had. If the nations of the world really understood the implications of the actual ‘fallout’ – past, current and future – the current nuclear energy paradigm would be systematically shut down. For those of us who are in the know, it is incumbent upon each of us to disseminate the relevant information/data necessary to forever close down the nuclear power industry around the globe.
There is now general agreement that the state of the art of nuclear power generation is such that it was deeply flawed and fundamentally dangerous from the very beginning. This fact was completely understood to be the case by the industry insiders and original financiers of every nuclear power plant ever built. Nuclear engineers had a very good understanding of just how vulnerable the design, engineering and architecture was at the startup of this industry. Nevertheless, they proceeded with this ill-fated enterprise at the behest of who?
Therefore, this begs the question, “Why would such an inherently unsafe technology and unstable design be implemented worldwide in the first place?”
More importantly, “Who ought to be responsible for mitigating this ongoing planetary nuclear disaster?” And, is there any practical way this predicament can be fixed? Is there technology available which can address this situation in any meaningful way?
With the increasing energy needs of the global economy pushing energy-poor nations like Japan into nuclear power, the economic incentive has always overridden good judgment. Especially in Japan do we see a nation that was literally set up to be a poster child for the nuclear power industry. This, in a place that is known to be the most seismically active region in the world!
“Does anyone in their right mind believe that nuclear power plants can ever be designed, engineered or constructed to withstand 9.0 earthquakes followed by 15 meter high tsunamis? Sorry if we offend, but such a display of so deadly a combination of ignorance and arrogance must represent the very height of hubris. Particularly in view of the inevitable consequences which have manifested at Fukushima, how is it that so few saw this pre-ordained and disastrous outcome, except by willful blindness?” — Japan: A Nation Consigned To Nuclear Armageddon
Numerous headlines over the past few weeks have been relentless in trumpeting Japan’s begrudging response to this global wakeup call. For the first time since nuclear power has been used in the land of Nippon, all 55 nuclear power plants now sit idle. This is of course very good news for the people of Japan. The question now remains how to go about remediating all of these vulnerable and unsafe nuclear reactors. Particularly because of those nuclear plants that are located anywhere along the Japanese coastline is this remediation imperative an existential necessity.
Since the very first news about the Fukushima nuclear disaster came to light, many industry researchers and various investigations have unveiled the multi-decade plot to foist nuclear power onto the islands of Japan. The many forces arrayed against the Japanese people were so formidable that this ill-fated enterprise could only come to such an unfortunate outcome. Just as humankind learned from the folly of dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Fukushima has served as an example of how not to implement nuclear power generation.
“Quite purposefully, no one ever stopped to consider the obvious and far-reaching ramifications of constructing 55 nuclear reactors on the most seismically active piece of property on planet Earth! And, that doesn’t count another 12 reactors in various stages of planning or development.” — An Open Letter to the People of Japan
If Japan is to remain habitable for future generations, there are certain (nuclear) matters confronting every corner of this island nation which must be addressed post haste. We know the people of Japan are up to it. The real question is whether the powers who have controlled their destiny are willing to back off for once since WWII.
Can the USA, the UK, Israel and France completely let go of their control of the Japanese economy, energy infrastructure and political process? Not only does the very existence of Japan rely on this relinquishment of control, the futures of the USA, UK and France do as well.
Tokyo has the largest greater metro population in the world at about 34.3 million. Tokyo has the largest GDP of all major cities in the world – larger than both New York City and London. Tokyo is the economic/financial capital of the world’s 3rd largest national economy, as well as the primary economic engine of East Asia.
Most are not aware, even at the very highest levels of the Global Control Matrix, but as Fukushima goes, so goes Japan. Taken to its logical conclusion we can say with absolute certainty that as Japan goes, so goes the entire planet. In reality, Japan is not only a super-charged trigger point in the Pacific Ring of Fire, it is also a lynchpin for the world economy as the previous article well explains. Therefore, we would highly advise the Anglo-American power structure to take proper responsibility for this unprecedented global catastrophe and show up in great force on the Honshu coastline to remediate and de-activate wherever still possible.
Look to Israhell for the cause, IE their Stuxnet virus designed to meltdown Siemens controlled reactors (that's all reactors) and you'll likely find the cure (withheld for their own use of course) within the same government.
Nuclear power was never thought to be "safe" – Einstein pointed out it was a "hell of a way to make steam," but it was thought the risks could be mitigated. One has to ask a few questions to fully understand this entire process.
What did they think they would do with the spent fuel – what was the original plan for it? One cannot open a car painting shop without proving you can dispose of the waste.
Safety being the highest priority would dictate the plants be placed in safe, containable areas, that said, one needs to ask: Why were plants built on KNOWN fault lines, in tsunami zones and near population centers? Better yet, why were some plants built near ALL THREE?!
Why build a plant that NEEDS to withstand an earthquake when one can be built away from a fault?
Why build a plant near a population center, when power-lines can deliver the power anywhere?
Why build something that has no system for disposing of the waste product?
Why is that form a steam so much better then any other form of steam – it doesn't create electrons but steam!
There is a connection between Galileo & Fukushima.
It might be of interest to read The Real Galileo
I read some articles that said radiation is good for you. Maybe some people get cancer after being radiated, but some people get cancer if they are not radiated. Has anyone ever taken radiation and directly caused cancer themselves, to verify that radiation causes cancer firsthand? Or does everyone just rely on hearsay and voodoo science? Not everybody died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and most of the survivors did not get cancer. Maybe all of this is good, because it will weed out those with poor genetics, and stronger humans will be able to live in harmony with radiation. Maybe cancer from radiation is just a sympton of those with poor genetics.
Before anyone wets their panties over my comment, I suggest learning a little:…
Note: Does radiation "cause" cancer? Clearly, radiation is a contributing factor. How it contributes in the multistage process of carcinogenesis is not yet known; however, radiation does seem to be a ***weak*** initiator … It is not so simple as radiation=cancer. Many defective biological processes must exist for radiation damage to turn into cancer, as with all cellular damage. I think there is a lot of "Henny Penny" behavior related to Fukushima, mainly promoted by Jeff Rense.
Chad who is paying you to go to websites and make ignorant comments?
I suggest that YOU should go to Fukushima and get some of that "good for you" radiation you speak of.
By the way, if you were not so ignorant, you might have know of one of the first deaths by radiation exposure. Her name was Madame Curie.
Do not bother answering.
POISONS (including radiation) make you live longer, if you don't take so much as to kill yourself. Again, Fukushima may just make most people live longer than average. As Neitzche said: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and science verifies this:…
Truth is not exciting, so don't expect to find it in any media, left or right, mainstream or alternative, hippy or fascist. Media operates for profit, and truth is too tedious and boring to attract an audience. If you want some truth, read scientific peer review journals, or experiment yourself. For a while, I experimented with the "fluoride toothpaste is bad, use baking soda & peroxide (et al)". And after years of experimenting, tediously cleaning my teeth, and never eating sugars, I got lots of little cavities popping up. So, there's fraud to the left, and fraud to the right, and "correct analysis, correct facts, personal experimentation" are more important than what groups we belong to.
This would be an interesting article/report/study: get a little Fukushima waste, and 4 rat cages with 10 rats each. Put a vial of 1mg Fukushima waste into one, 10mg into another, and 100mg into a 3rd, leaving one cage as a control with no waste. Then, record the lifespace and cause of death for each of the rats. Then maybe we can learn something about human exposure, and have some interesting facts to play with, instead of "oh no, it's the end of the world" nonsense. That kind of thinking is straight out of the Dark Ages, where people were motivated by superstitions, gossip, and all things non-evidentary.
I would never agree that any animals should be murdered just to prove a point, probably one whereby the outcome is already known. However, a lower lifeform would be quite an effective test subject in this research — such as politicians, lobbyists, or lawyers.
Death Watch,
I have to say that the research I have done on the subject of nuclear power and it's fallout is absolutely in agreement with your comments. So are the comments made about world leaders, though I have to believe that many of the humans who support those in authority do not have a complete understanding of the impending disaster.
There is so much 'contradicting evidence' available that one needs to have the time of years to study the data, and arrive at the correct answer. Besides many people are inclined to take the easy road.
Chad, the ignorant fool from the dark ages is you, not those who understand the dangers of radioactive contamination.
Regarding Madame Curie, I've read her biography. She died from radiation sickness, without any doubt whatsoever.
“Maybe all of this is good, because it will weed out those with poor genetics, and stronger humans will be able to live in harmony with radiation.”
You clearly have no understanding whatsoever of how DNA works, and the balance between cumulative errors in the genes and the extremely slow operation of evolution via culling of 'the weak.'
Also, you neglect to consider one small detail – 'culling the weak' in the case of radiation induced genetic damage, involves hundreds of generations of tears and tragedy.
Incidentally for higher complexity organisms in even moderately raised background radiation levels, evolution simply doesn't work. The errors accumulate faster than they can be 'selected out'. Result – extinction of the species. That's us humans remember.
So Chad, how about you f-off to Fukishima, and eat lots of the local farm produce and fish. Tell us in ten years how good it was for you. If you're still alive, which I strongly doubt.
Oh, and in the meantime, please stop writing paid shill posts.
Clearly they are losing the information war.
Gratitude for an intelligent post.
Who ever is paying these trolls is losing money! Soon to be irrelevant money if we cannot solve the Fukushima crisis and heal the planet.
Signing off.
Hey Chad hows about we make you one of the rats, then tell me how it works out for you