1. Hi, Anthony! Love this, thank you for this post and the information. I was wondering, though, where is the link to the petition, and if you could add it. The second highlighted link "petition going around" leads back to the same article and website for the poll article on GMO labeling. I hope you are doing well, and appreciate all the research you are doing to help us keep safe!

    1. blank NaturalSociety says:

      Thanks a lot for pointing out that the link was a mistake. I've updated the link properly and made it much larger. Appreciate your kind words!

  2. Was wondering where the link was so i could sign. Thanks for the info

  3. blank Morgan Azih says:

    ELOHIM God who created all things including knowledge & wisdom saw all of this from the beginning. That’s why JESUS Christ has come to empower all men who believe in him to overcome manipulation from Satan/his human agents.
    In JESUS Name people should declare foods sanctified by his Blood shed on the Cross of Calvary.

  4. blank yankee phil says:

    There must be some kind of testing time line here that limits how fast these new products(untested?) can be introduced to the public. Since these products are of an entirely new nature to the environment perhaps new legislation is necessary to control the testing, making it more thorough. Your going to need a court injunction to stop it or at least delay its public introduction so you can research the FDA laws better.

    1. According to the book Wheat Belly, there was never any rat or human testing on GMO of wheat grains. Reading that books confirms allot of issues with GMO of Wheat!! Scary stuff!!

  5. My question is where is this all going to end? People will die over this insanity, and those who live will be infertile, per the reading I have done over the past year and a half. Further where are all these people who work for the government and their agencies who approve this and other GMO frankenfoods getting their food from? Hidden farms that only they have access to that grow and raise clean natural food? This affects us all, all the humans, all the animals, all the insects, all the reptiles, all the plants, all the fish, algae, all the sea coral etc etc etc we are all in serious trouble here and yet this government approves more infertility, death and disease every day, and the people of this country cannot be bothered to stand together and say no. Oh there are those signing petitions calling their senators and congressmen and complaining, that's a great thing because it slows these approvals down but ultimately this stuff get approved quietly, whether over a holiday or stuffed in some bill that is passed and not read. We all have to say NO together as one country and as one planet! Frankly
    this is the end of life as we know know it, it will change the inside and outside of all living things including people, I think it already is, there have been some form of GMOs around for over 10 years.
    All the diseases that so many young people and I mean anyone under 60 are suffering and dying from are part of this frankenfood, be it GMO, be it the fungicides, pesticides, herbicides,the oil spilled by BP and the poison used to force the oil off the top of the water and the human created bacteria that forced the oil to become liquid enough to extract it out of the holes made in the gulf etc etc etc. These GMOs and poisons are already lose on the planet, so we need to not only stop anymore from being introduced to our planet, but we need to come up with a plan to clean up the mess that has already been made! This is one big nightmare of a mess, and it is not ending anytime soon, as i am certain that every animal, plant, and human being will be modified before this is all said and done! Unless everyone yells stop this madness as one voice. And I don't think that is going to happen, I really don't!!

  6. I have earlier today, sent an E Mail to DEFRA, the government department of food/fisheries UK. Asking for a response regarding the FDA approval of GM Salmon. I have informed them that this will be taken up on every major Web Site until some answers are received. This type of GM modification to animal life, needs to be met with the hardest of questions. The natural food chain of animals that feed from fish, could be irreversable.
    In 1990, Michael Crichton wrote his book, " Jurassic Park ", maybe he had some insight.
    It has been documented, that in some wild and park areas, two seperate gm modified crops have been combined by nature containing both GM modifications, creating a new species. This alone justfies that the companies producing these crops have no control. I wonder, if this Salmon GM is allowed, what will be next ? Past experience over the last two decades have shown that these companies LIE, and still receive backing to continue. The second problem is with ourselves. Too many people feel that there is nothing we can do to prevent this situation. Being silent is the worst thing we can do. Questions have to be asked to all government departments and answers made public.

    1. And what if they're right? It's all part of a downward spiral introduced with the Social Security Administration, and even leading up to it. We've unwittingly given ourselves up to our warlords!

  7. blank A Worried Human says:

    This is all part of the plan to depopulate us. First they're going to make us suffer with economic collapse, spreading chaos across america if not the globe. Let it simmer for a bit to make them look like the good guys when they come in with U.N. troops to declare martial law and kill dissidents. When people are starving on the streets they'll tell us GMO foods are our only hope for survival. Then the infertility will come, hell I wouldn't be surprised if the future is going to be like Children of Men- BUT WORSE. We are ROYALLY F***ed. Make your peace with whatever deity you worship because we are all going to die.

  8. blank dogitydog says:

    Does 'Soylent Green' ring any bells? A sci-fi movie that is turning into a documentary.

  9. While I agree with this article and the information that it provides, watching that video clip threw me a bit. Why did Anthony frame the FDA shutdown of the peanut butter factory as an assault on the organic industry? That factory was making and selling a product that was contaminated with salmonella, and he didn't even mention it.

  10. blank Concerned sceintist says:

    My problem with Anthony Gucciardi's article is that he presents numerous false (or mis-understood)statements. For Example, "These fish of course threaten the very genetic integrity of the food chain when considering the fact that they will ultimately be unleashed into waters with other salmon and likely even the ocean at large." Did you read the FDA FONSI report? The GM salmon are raised/farmed in closed (self contained) auquaculture facilities (ex-USA), and are never relaeased into lakes, oceans, rivers, etc. And in the event that someone were to maliciously try to introduce the GM salmon into the wild, salmon are infertile and can not reporduce. The actual infertility rate is approximately 95%, just to be accurate so 5% may have the ability to spawn. The other safeguard, as detailed in the FDA report, is that the GM salmon will be processed for consumption at the same facility that they are raised, and therefore no live GM salmon will be sold or transported for sale elsewhere.

  11. People, read a book "Seeds of destruction" W. Engdahl, you have in US, we in Aus. have to order from US,?. Nobody want (government) to give us real explanation why we HAVE TO EAT GMO FOOD. Rockefeller will succeed in his sick wishes if somebody not stop all this.

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