FDA Claims New GM Potatoes are Safe: But Would You Eat it?

The Food and Drug Administration has recently given a green light to a genetically modified potato engineered to resist a pathogen that is responsible for causing the Irish Potato Famine. No different than with their approval of GM salmon, the FDA seems oblivious to risk assessment and consumer concerns that deem a GM potato undesirable, claiming that the GE potato is indeed safe for consumption.
In a letter to J.R. Simplot Co., the makers of the GM potato, the FDA said that it wasn’t substantially-different in composition or safety from other products already on the market, and doesn’t require any more stringent vetting.
However, several studies carried out by scientists independent of the biotech industry have revealed glaring differences between GMOs and their non-GMO counterparts. This makes a mockery of the regulatory principle of ‘Substantial Equivalence’ which has facilitated approvals of GMOs with practically no protection for public health and the environment.
Doug Cole, J.R. Simplot’s director of marketing and communications said:
“We’re pleased and hope that consumers recognize the benefits once it’s introduced into the marketplace next year.”
There is only one hurdle left for the company before they can unleash the GM potato to consumers – the approval of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, but the company expects that to happen as early as this December, with plans to go to market right away. The U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the potato in August.
Related: Read more About the GMO ‘Innate’ Potato
But the approval doesn’t come without consumer backlash; the new GMO potato represents yet another reason we need to adopt GMO labeling across the country. Gary Hirshberg, chairman of Stonyfield Farm and Just Label It, said:
“The approval of the Simplot potato is yet another reason that consumers should have a right to know what’s in their food and how it was produced. With the previous approval of other GMO potatoes, the Arctic apple and AquAdvantage salmon—the first GMO animal approved for human consumption—GMO foods are no longer relegated to the processed food shelves.”
Consumers should be trusted with the information to decide what food is right for their families. Companies should be proud of their products and support clear GMO labeling, just as Campbell Soup Company has done in announcing that it favors a national mandatory labeling system and will begin labeling its own products nationwide.”
Both McDonald’s and Frito Lay have said they will not purchase GM potatoes to pass on to their customers, largely due to consumer backlash.
The paid trolls are so obvious. Shame on you. Bottom line is, you are paying to poison yourself with gmo foods period. The rest of the planet is in process of banning gmo’s and the same will take place in the good ol’ USA. What is going to end this fraud is that people are not going to buy it at the grocery store. I’m seeing retailers increasing their inventory of Organic food stuff’s because consumers are demanding it. GMO’s are poison. The studies conducted by american universities are complete fraud, with everyone being either paid off or coerced into omitting or changing all the detrimental findings. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I wouldn’t buy anything that the bought and paid for FDA (fraud & death administrators) has to say. They have lost all credibility with me!
Ed, what country has banned the gmo potato ? You lump all gmo into one category…that is not right.
The potato in question, was modified using pototo gene, via biotechology rather than hybridization
it is a potato, made from a potato.
paid trolls, who is silly enough to think every dissenting post comes from trolls….think.
Your anonymity and expertise give you away.. thank you.
I do have 30 years as an Environmental professional, MS degree and BS degree, and 10 years in product stewardship experience so you nailed that. I follow GMO issues as the poster child of all that goes into “product stewardship” discussions.
I love the drama on these boards(such as your post). I was surprised that the GMO potato wasn’t really a transgenic product…more of an accelerated hybrid. Genetic engineering is not all the same (my degrees are more mainstream engineering and chemistry, so not an expert by any means.)
I do think Monsanto’s gmo’s are not a good example of what GMO is capable of, they are more profit motivated than I would like to see.
You shouldn’t put people into such buckets…life is not
that sinister. Or maybe, you are paid by the Organic Consumers Asssocation ?? (just teasing)
LOL -you have a degree is BS thats for sure!
speaking of paid posters ed
Basic Zappers will work as a replacement for all antibiotics. CTBustersdotcom has them for $35.00 or bulk orders of 20 for $340.00. My sweetheart Roz and I use the T-Rx version made by the Croft’s and we have remained unscathed by any cold or flu. My sister has used a Terminator Zapper to completely eliminate the infection from an abscessed tooth. The aforementioned can be found at WorldWithoutParasitesdotcom”
well at least the company is responsible enough to post the disclaimer on their products.
“It’s impossible for anyone to specifically promise that a zapper will cure
for a specific condition and it’s dishonest to claim that any treatment
will produce a specific, desired result.
All of the cures and treatments mentioned on this website are only personal
accounts from our own customers over the past 18 years. The information contained herein is for research purposes only and should not be construed as medical recommendations for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice”
nice “science” though (hope the sarcasm comes across” …
All people suffer from parasites of one type or another during their lifetimes.
Parasites are positively charged. Unhealthy tissue is also positively charged.
The introduction of very weak electric current (via the Zapper) perhaps destroys parasites by reversing the polarity of the static field in which they thrive. A flood of free electrons, in this case, encourage diseased tissue to heal — healthy tissue is negatively charged, which is to say that there’s an overabundance of free electrons in and around it.
Parasites cannot defend their positive polarity (deficit of free electrons) against the introduction of simple direct current and they die very quickly when the static field of their environment (blood, lymph, mucus, cerebrospinal fluid, interior of eye, etc.) is negative-charged.
An environment that has an abundance of free electrons will repel parasites whether electric current, magnets, or orgone generate this state.
Parasites not only die when subjected to electricity, but also apparently disintegrate and are easily assimilated as harmless nutrients or eliminated.
McDonald’s and Frito Lay won’t touch them because of fear of consumer backlash, not because of any documented health risks. There is no difference between gene splicing and crossbreeding until you can get a plant to get the desired effect other than time involved. There is absolutely no difference in the chemical composition of a GMO and organic(which has been crossbred for desirable traits) version of any produce, just the genetic sequence is different.
edit: These articles are preying on the stupid and uninformed. You’ve spread baseless accusations, while the GMO food companies do have some shady business practices, such as GM seeds being considered IP. They’ve made leaps and strides on making higher yields on less water, with less land etc. Read what Bill Nye or anyone with some ACTUAL scientific background has to say about the issue, instead of some “humanitarian” who would help to misinform you because she thinks she has some moral high ground.
excellent example of how the anti gmo fervor has resulted in bad consumers decisions.
GMO potatoes uses potato genes to reduce the amount of acrylaminde, and the amount of
reduce cancer risk, use less fuel per potato…all from crossing a potato with a potato.
how scary, and why didn’t the article above even mention that ?
eat a potato…what kind of risk taker do you think I am ? Next you will be asking me if I get out of bed in the morning !!
Due to trolls and negative commentors below, due to the FDA disregarding openness and transparency, I will do my very best to not consume genetically modified foods, safe or unsafe as they may be. Irregardless of ALL of your comments supporting GMO’s, IT WILL Never convince me due to your lack of character where this discussion is concerned.
I won’t!!
I have been consuming regular natural potatoes, so why it need to be GMO it? It doesn’t makes sense because it’s nothing wrong with natural potatoes.
In the meantime, while the results of GMOspud consumption become known, guess I’ll have to find a source of potatoes grown in non GMO realms — dobri den gospodin, xochu kupit kartoflya!
Just say NO to GMO’S….and I do!