FDA to Approve Cannabis-Based Pharmaceutical for Multiple Health Conditions

GW Pharmaceuticals is expected to be given a green light for a cannabidiol drug (marijuana-based medicine) which has shown promise in the treatment of epileptic children, cutting epileptic attacks down by as much as 100% (45% average). When will the Feds admit cannabis is a medical miracle?
In one breath the mainstream medical system has been telling us that ‘cannabis has no medicinal value,’ while the U.S. government has stealthily patented cannabinoid-based medicine which obviously shows that our government officials are well aware that cannabis can be extremely valuable from a medicinal standpoint.
The FDA will soon grant a license to GW Pharmaceuticals for treating patients with multiple sclerosis with a drug called Epidiolex. That’s odd, since the FDA has repeatedly said that marijuana is not ‘safe and effective’ for treating anything. [1]
Similar cannabis-based formulations created by GW Pharmaceuticals and other drug companies are expected to treat autism, muscular dystrophy, glioma, ovarian and pancreatic cancer and schizophrenia, as well as epileptics. Orders for this product are expected to grow 40 times over in the coming years. [2]
Obtained in 2003, one U.S. government patent (US Patent 6630507) titled “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants” is assigned to The United States of America, as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services. The patent states:
“Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.” [3]
If GW is scaling up production to meet demand for cannabis-based drugs – they surely work. When will the U.S. government finally legalize marijuana for medicinal use from a Federal level? It is clear that the lies about cannabis’ healing abilities are no longer believed. Medical marijuana’s value is becoming common knowledge now.
[1] TheWeedBlog
[2] Wddty
June 1, 2015 Abbott Legalizes Cannabis Oil for Epilepsy Patients
The Texas Compassionate Use Act from state Sen. Kevin Eltife, R-Tyler, will legalize oils containing CBD, a non-euphoric component of marijuana known to treat epilepsy and other chronic medical conditions. The state will regulate and distribute the oils to patients whose symptoms have not responded to federally approved medication.
” a non-euphoric component of marijuana known to treat epilepsy”
Pleased to read that the Lone Star State is protecting us from any euphoric components from slipping through and subverting us. We wouldn’t want any euphoria to enter into our modern dystopia.
Why is that? What is it that ‘SCARES’ you about freedom?
A little research will take you along way sown the path of knowledge versus emotionalism.
What Happened When Portugal Decriminalized *ALL* Drugs?
“The government in Portugal has no plans to back down”
That tickles me in a sad sort of way. I can understand that parents may not want their children to get high – research indicates that the brain isn’t fully developed until ca. age 25, and it Could (maybe so, maybe not) be damaged by early highs. But I’ve NEVER understood why the medical establishment is so dead-set against ADULTS enjoying themselves while they heal themselves.
Related: Denying pain medicines or cigarettes to the terminally ill in order to prevent addiction or lung damage. What??? Anyone can tell that they’re Not having fun. Why deny them something that would relieve their pain and relieve their stress? Addiction or further bodily damage is beside the point for the terminally ill.
Puritanism: The ‘horrifying’ notion that somewhere people might be enjoying themselves. SMH.
In 2011, the company KannaLife Sciences Inc was granted an Exclusive License https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2011/11/17/2011-29726/prospective-grant-of-exclusive-license-development-of-cannabinoids-and-cannabidiols-based by the US National Institutes of Health – Office of Technology Transfer (NIH-OTT) for the Commercialization of patent US 6630507, ”Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants” http://www.thestreet.com/story/11609018/1/kannalife-sciences-inc-signs-exclusive-license-agreement-with-national-institutes-of-health-office-of-technology-transfer-nih-ott.html
Sativex is the drug used for MS and is an almost 1:1 ratio of both THC and CBD. Epidiolex is for treatment refractory epilepsy and only contains CBD
If big Pharma can’t patent it it has no medical value according to the federal government.
Are people so stupid not to think that big Pharma is the FDA,or bought and paid for by big Pharma?
Well the people supposedly elected Barack Obama twice so what’s that tell you.