One Comment

  1. blank ironbutterfly says:

    I only used FB and Twitter in the first couple yrs of their beginnings. Then when FB started asking for a copy of ID card, it immediately rang a bell, What the f…??? Is FB connected to CIA ? Twitter too ?
    I said, go f..your.. FB. NO Facebook for me anymore. No twitter, no “social” other crap. Because they all are used by C.I.A. Google is number one spy agency, under the cover of their really genius Google Maps and their other applications. Twitter is not far behind. EVERY social network is people’s enemy. NO need for them. Why would anyone be there??? To tell the world how good you are, what u doing ??? Nobody cares!!! keep it to yourself, OR build a cheap website for free, there are millions of places you can do that, and there you can shout and scream about yourself. I want to repeat again: Google and Facebook are your ENEMIES, they were created with one goal: to collect information about every single user, to create a database, to gather data on each member, to use this data with CIA against YOU!

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