1. Eating nuts is great and I’m certain they may extend our years, but the “mortality rate” for all living beiings is 100%. FYI — In all of history there has only been two people to not experience death, Enoch and Elijah.

  2. Studies of longevity of animals and humans done in the early twentieth century have shown that humans have the ability to live healthily for 140 to 160 years of age. The same way we know that elephants live to 75 to 100 years, sea turtles live to 150 years, dogs, cats, etc.
    Thanks to poor soils and less nutrients in the farm soil, processed and fast foods, GMO crops, overuse of antibiotics in farm animals, and less oxygen in the air, our potential for longevity, for the most part, has been cut in half.

  3. Brazil nuts, or as they say in Brazil, “nuts”, is loaded with selenium, and the mineral has the potential to support the heart and complete cardiovascular system. Just 4 to 6 Brazil nuts or less, are needed a week to support your heart. Selenium has been known in farm animals for many years by ranchers, hence the mineral salt licks provided. A good veterinarian will tell you this about your pet, but a MD may not. The cost of a heart transplant and/or a heart bypass is too much money to pass up for many heart surgens, and kick backs from the drug for prescribing statin drugs for general MD’s. This drug does more harm than good.

  4. Reduces mortality risk? You mean we’ll live forever? Get a new headline writer!

  5. Raw cashews are poisonous, why do this site often come with clearly harmful information ? If there is a person to cause this, he/she should eat some raw cashews for example before sounding like it’s healthier.

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