1. blank WishIWuzACropDuster says:

      The more I think about how Dr. Oz is being treated on this issue raises much suspicion on how that British researcher was treated when he said that the mercury-based preservative used in vaccines has a link to autism. Every doctor from every corner discredited him. Seeing this makes me wonder if many of those doctors had financial interest in the Vaccine industry. The research may have been bogus, but this makes one wonder.

      How does one know when the establishment is telling a legitimate truth or spreading propaganda to further its own agenda?

      1. If the establishment ever tells the truth, they will quckly issue an official denial. Never believe anything the establishment says until they officially deny it.

  1. Sounds like he’s about to get the Galileo treatment, here. Looks like we never left the dark ages.

    1. blank WishIWuzACropDuster says:

      Big business only cares about one thing and customer safety isn’t it. They care about their bottom line profits. That’s it. The money is the number one priority. If you want to get to the root of any push of this sort, any censorship of a reputable doctor, a unilateral political push in favor of big business, just follow the money. Plain and simple. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

      That’s how our government operates these days. Someone starts telling too much of the truth and they have their special interest thugs attack en masse with “experts” to discredit the one blowing the whistle and make them look like crackpots. Don’t fall for it.

      Look how big and powerful the Monsanto company is!! They think they can throw their weight around and everyone will cow down and shut up. Keep voting with your dollars and steer clear of Monsanto products and GMOs.

      There are even laws on the books that prevent farmers from keeping some of their own grain to use as seed for the next crop. Why should these companies be able to do this to farmers? It’s their product and their land.

  2. blank WishIWuzACropDuster says:


    Dr. Stephanie Seneff is onto something. She has a solid case that shows the increased use of Glyphosate (Round-up) and increased incidents of autism. The second link provides links to her reports in pdf format.

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