Doctors: Potential Ebola Cases Still ‘Covered Up By CDC’

Ebola continues to spread wildly in Sierra Leone as experts project that virtually all major cities in the United States will face imported cases of Ebola amid the failed response of the CDC. The nightly news says the story on the disease is ‘closed,’ but medical doctors around the country happen to disagree — and overwhelmingly so. In fact, medical professionals are now speaking out privately and publicly about the ‘cover up’ of potential Ebola cases that they say may end up with their careers on the line.
It was back in October when I shared a story regarding some extremely powerful information that one of my medical doctors contacts stationed in Dallas had shared with me. The CDC, this individual said, was coming into hospitals and visiting patients who were reported to have ‘signs of malaria’. What’s much more disturbing, however, is that the CDC was reportedly ‘disappearing’ these patients — even going as far as to remove their actual records from the hospital database.
Surely a serious claim, and one that I had shared with the audience hoping that we could simply find an alternative answer to these disappearances. At least one that did not revolve around the cover up of a serious Ebola outbreak within our borders. It was hard to ignore, though, with even former Border Patrol agents speaking out over sightings of the CDC coming in and ‘snatching up’ individuals with flu-like symptoms.
What happened next, however, solidified the message of my Dallas contact in a very real way.
It was then, after sharing this story on air, that the brave Dr. James Lawrenzi called into the program and said that he had also witnessed similar circumstances: even going as far as to mention other key elements that I had not yet mentioned on air while conveying my report. In his experience and statement, Dr. Lawrenzi discussed how medical professionals from the CDC were in fact looking at these cases of ‘malaria’ in a very strange way. Especially when these ‘malaria’ cases exhibited symptoms that typically coincide with an Ebola infection.
Lawrenzi independently verified additional claims by doctors who we have personally spoken to regarding the state of unpreparedness within these institutions to handle even a single case of Ebola, the rapidly declining moral of medical staff who continually threaten to quit their jobs in the event of an Ebola patient being taken under care of the hospital, and the complete lack of concern from the CDC when it comes to medical doctors relaying these concerns to the agency.
You can see the video of Dr. Lawrenzi’s statements for yourself below:
But Dr. Lawrenzi’s statements, nor the statements of other medical doctors who have reached out conveying the same message and agreeing with my overall assessment, are not the focal point of this latest news. In the latest development on the Ebola case, doctors are now ‘freaking out’ over how families, lawyers, and eventually the public are going to respond to the ‘disappeared cases.’
Doctors ‘Freaking Out’ Over ‘Continued Ebola Cover Up’
The latest news from the medical doctors who have been in the thick of what they say are the disappearance of potential Ebola cases is that these medical professionals believe that they may in fact be the ones taking the heat for the CDC’s alleged actions. Specifically, we’re talking about what happens when families and investigative journalists really start looking into this in a big way.
Just speaking with one of the lead doctors in the Dallas area, they were concerned about ‘relatives going around talking about how their family members had died of Ebola’ — something that has reportedly already been ‘causing problems.’ The mainstream media, of course, can be trusted to stay completely silent about this entire timeline.
Let’s not forget the quote which was published (and later retracted) on Forbes by an adjunct professor at Duke University Medical Center:
“The Associated Press and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed.”
And remember, it’s not hard to believe that the federal government would quell public fear over the Ebola outbreak in the United States by silently quarantining and disappearing potential patients. It’s, in fact, extremely easy to grasp. The government would love nothing more than to buy enough time to prepare adequate pandemic response (such as the acquisition of 250,000 hazmat suits sent directly to Dallas).
The reality is that doctors, other medical experts, and even former senior level Border Patrol agents have spoken out over the apparent cover up of potential Ebola victims within the US — with some sharing their story with millions. Many will not speak publicly about what they have seen for fear of repercussion from not only their partners and employers, but from the public and the federal government. These reports are serious, and they have serious and troubling meaning for this nation if they are, in fact, centered around an Ebola cover up campaign aimed at halting the spread of fear throughout the general public.
Obama recently appointed an “Ebola Czar,” whose entire function seems to be covering up Ebola news. Ron Kain, who has zero medical background, is Ebola “response coordinator,” which is Obamaspeak for he-who-makes-sure-no-Ebola-cases-get-reported-in-the-press. He’s doing quite well. Haven’t you noticed that Ebola news has almost disappeared? Ebola is still around, but the news isn’t.
Part of the reason is that most Americans really do not want to know. If there was enough public outcry, this would not be happening. They would rather protest Wall Street, Ferguson or Staten Island. At some point you have to give partial blame to the public, who as Gruber estimated, are stupid. If the MSM got enough calls from their audiences, they would be forced to reevaluate their position. Really, there are 300M of us, and one emperor. He has only as much power as we allow him to have. He and his band of thugs are outnumbered..