Barbarism: Doctors Now Encouraging Patients to Remove Body Parts to ‘Prevent Cancer’

Glorified as a heart warming ‘preventative’ trend by the mainstream media, doctors are now recommending that patients who are found to be ‘more susceptible’ to certain cancers based on genetic testing actually surgically remove body parts that could be affected. It sounds insane and beyond barbaric (as it is), but apparently the mainstream medical community thinks it is quite the heroic feat to perform bodily mutilation in the name of phony cancer prevention.
In a recent CNN article entitled “My preventive mastectomy: Staying alive for my kids,” a mother removes both her breasts and ovaries despite not testing positive for cancer. Stating that the did so at the urging of her gynecologist, Allison Gilbert surgically removed her ovaries in 2007 and her breasts earlier this year. Gilbert explains how she decided to remove her breasts and ovaries after her doctor highly recommended doing so despite the fact that nutrition and lifestyle actually can alter your gene expression dramatically:
The decision to have surgery without having cancer wasn’t easy, but it seemed logical to me. My mother, aunt and grandmother have all died from breast or ovarian cancer, and I tested positive for the breast cancer gene.
Nutrition is Known to Dramatically Affect Gene Expression
This new trend signifies a complete and utter failure to recognize legitimate science regarding the effective prevention of cancer through nutrition and lifestyle. In fact, research has repeatedly shown that what you eat directly affects your genes. As information from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology shows, nutrition can create or alleviate inflammation levels through altering gene expression. Inflammation, of course, has been linked to a long list of diseases — including cancer. As a lead researcher from the study explained:
“This affects not only the genes that cause inflammation in the body, which was what we originally wanted to study, but also genes associated with development of cardiovascular disease, some cancers, dementia, and type 2 diabetes — all the major lifestyle-related diseases.”
Beyond this information, we know that countless natural substances are highly effective in the prevention of cancer across the board. Super nutrients like vitamin D, spices like ginger and
“Now we have genetic proof that mitochondrial oxidative stress is important for driving tumor growth,” said lead researcher Michael P. Lisanti, M.D., Ph.D.
Apparently Gilbert’s gynecologist was completely unaware of this research, or perhaps the other several thousand pieces of information that exist on the subject. But sadly it is not just Gilbert’s doctor who is recommending patients chop off their breasts, ovaries, and other areas of the body that present a ‘genetic risk’ of cancer. Sadly, this trend is not only far-reaching but being touted in the media through laughable sources like CNN as a heart warming and touching display of affection for friends and family.
Current Health Paradigm Promotes Sickness, Surgery, and Death
And even as patients like Gilbert experience the life-crushing results of listening to their ignorant and downright unqualified doctors who originally insisted they mutilate their bodies unnecessarily, they unfortunately continue to re-assure themselves that they made the right decision.
Psychologically, it is similar to why many E-mail scams succeed in which fake princes and princesses ask for you to send them money overseas. Once you have sent a phony Prince John thousands of dollars overseas, you are almost forced to believe the lie. After all, if you accept it as a lie, then you have lost. It is much easier to believe that Prince John exists and is having trouble sending you the millions promised than to accept you have been scammed.
Gilbert details the aftermath of her ‘preventative’ surgery in which she removed her breasts and was thrown into menopause at age 37 with severe side effects, yet explains how she still believes that the surgery was the right decision:
The most difficult part of the operation came in the months that followed: I was thrust into menopause at 37. Despite age-inappropriate night sweats and hot flashes, I was relieved to have the surgery…
What this practice is in reality, however, is the result of a horrendous medical system that has engulfed the United States. Costing over ten times the amount spent in 1980, United States healthcare costs currently near $2.6 trillion as of 2010 as disease rates continually climb and the life expectancy among the poor who eat processed foods are being reduced across the board. It’s time to escape the old health paradigm of sickness, barbaric body part removal, and pharmaceutical medication.
Disturbing! Barbaric indeed and utterly phony science behind it!
need anymore proof that the system has gone insane?
Thanks for exposing this Anthony.
Sadly I know people who are doing this!
My sister did this. She had some cancer cells in one of her breasts & was advised to have the other one removed also, for prevention, so she did. No cancer in the family except our dad getting prostate cancer when he was 90.
She also had a hysterectomy (not about cancer) & only needed to have her uterus removed but was advised to have her ovaries taken at the same time, for cancer prevention, of course. So she did.
Unfortunately it is a prime example of sheeple just following what their doctor states & not looking up facts for themselves. "Well after all they went to college for this." family members statement.
Starting in the early 1930s, removal of the male infant foreskin was promoted to eliminate the potential for developing penile cancer. It took six decades to debunk that myth, but some people still believe it today.
This is not new. In america, doctors regularly convince–if not outright strong-arm–parents to consent to the barbaric removal of their sons’ foreskins (circumcision), purportedly to prevent penile cancer (notwithstanding the fact that penile cancer is the rarest form of cancer, penile cancer rates in Europe–where newborn sexual mutilation is almost unheard of–are lower than in america, and more babies die in botched circumcisions than there are deaths from penile cancer, but we don’t want the facts to get in the way of their agenda….)
Now doctors claim that circumcision prevents urinary tract infections, HIV, STDs, etc., ad nauseum…
But the truth is, the REAL reason why the quacks want every baby boy circumcised can be found in their driveway, their boat slip, their airplane hangar, or their vacation condo in the tropics. Sigh….