Conflicting Evidence Between Omega 3 Fats and Colon Cancer Prevention

Omega 3 fatty acids may reduce your risk of colon cancer. Omega 3 fatty acids may increase your risk of colon cancer. Confused? You aren’t alone. Conflicting studies over the past five years have had dramatically different results when looking at omega 3 fatty acid consumption and colon cancer prevention or risk. But it seems, as with most things, a moderate consumption of omega 3’s can have a positive effect on avoiding cancer.
Can Omega 3’s Help with Colon Cancer Prevention?
According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found a reduced risk of colon cancer with increasing omega 3 fatty acid intake. The study subjects who saw the greatest benefits were whites, while African American participants saw the opposite—their risk was actually increased. Scientists cautioned against interpreting this saying it was likely due to chance.
However, the study found that those whites who were in the top fourth of omega 3 consumption had half the risk of colon cancer when compared to those consuming in the bottom fourth.
A related study, this one published in Gut, found that consumption of omega 3 fatty acids aided in colon cancer prevention by reducing the size and number of rectal polyps—a risk factor for colon cancer.
Studies on mice haven’t shown the same results. According to My Health News Daily, mice with impaired immune systems who were given high doses of omega 3 fatty acids actually developed colon cancer. Scientists were looking to see if people in inflammatory bowel disease (commonly associated with a compromised immune system) would benefit from omega 3’s. They found evidence to the contrary.
The mice, all of which had been genetically altered to be more susceptible to bacterial infections, were then exposed to bacteria that increased their risk of developing colon cancer and colitis.
The mice that had received medium and high dosages of the omega-3 fatty acid developed late-stage colon cancer, the researchers found. The other mice did not. From MyHealthNewsDaily:
Fenton said the results show a high dose of fish oil — beyond what you’d normally get from a healthy diet — has the potential to suppress the immune response to a virus or bacteria if you already have a compromised immune system.
Researchers from the mice study suggest people get their omega 3 fatty acids from foods rather than supplements. This helps ensure they are getting moderate amounts that can still deliver health benefits without potentially increasing any risks. Of course, depending on your realistic dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acids, supplementation may be a good choice.
Additional Sources:
It depends apon the source of the so called " Omega 3 acid " avoid margarines claiming omega3 ……….. Gut flora of black Africans is differant from European cocasoïds or cocasian / cromagnums . They require differant medications , differant beauty products and all of it preferably from natural resources ………..
All black Africans are milk intolerant once servered by thier mother's milk . Most Europeans become intolerant by the time they reach full adult hood but not when it comes to consuming goat milk or cheeses . Industrial milking of cows is the number one cause of digestive disorders because of pus , hormonal disorders because of bovin growth hormones ( Sweden's has the largest woman in the world ) and they drink alot of milk .They also along with all of the big milk drinking nations a problem with otherosporosis ….* Is it the milk or something else like sodium fuoride ? Only some Roumanian populations have the type of beneficial bacteria to enable them to digest cow milk for the duration of thier lives .
Any valid research into the efficacy of additional Omega 3 acid is always going to have conflicting results due to the very nature of the environmental effects on human health. Longitudinal studies from early age using a prescribed amount of Omega 3 and yes ingestion of fluoride free water may give a better sample base.
Medical demands have placed a 'normal' standard for all people with no thought to individuality. Maybe that is why more of us get sicker with treatments instead of better. Joanna