1. It depends apon the source of the so called " Omega 3 acid " avoid margarines claiming omega3 ……….. Gut flora of black Africans is differant from European cocasoïds or cocasian / cromagnums . They require differant medications , differant beauty products and all of it preferably from natural resources ………..

    All black Africans are milk intolerant once servered by thier mother's milk . Most Europeans become intolerant by the time they reach full adult hood but not when it comes to consuming goat milk or cheeses . Industrial milking of cows is the number one cause of digestive disorders because of pus , hormonal disorders because of bovin growth hormones ( Sweden's has the largest woman in the world ) and they drink alot of milk .They also along with all of the big milk drinking nations a problem with otherosporosis ….* Is it the milk or something else like sodium fuoride ? Only some Roumanian populations have the type of beneficial bacteria to enable them to digest cow milk for the duration of thier lives .

  2. Any valid research into the efficacy of additional Omega 3 acid is always going to have conflicting results due to the very nature of the environmental effects on human health. Longitudinal studies from early age using a prescribed amount of Omega 3 and yes ingestion of fluoride free water may give a better sample base.
    Medical demands have placed a 'normal' standard for all people with no thought to individuality. Maybe that is why more of us get sicker with treatments instead of better. Joanna

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