City Goes Fluoride-Free for Christmas

As of December 31, the City of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada will be fluoride-free for the first time since October 4, 1954.
A vote to end fluoridation took place in November of this year, and it was unanimously accepted by the new Mayor and Council, expressing the wishes of Prince George residents.
The unanimous decision to end fluoridation comes with the dismantling and removal of all fluoridation equipment and hazardous waste storage tanks. This also means that as a province, British Columbia is now close to 98% FLUORIDE FREE – by choice.
Just to clarify, and to dispel the propaganda which states that fluoride is safe – calcium fluoride appears naturally in underground water sources and even seawater. Enough of it can cause skeletal or dental fluorosis, which weakens bone and dental matter. But it is not nearly as toxic, nor does it negatively affect so many other health issues as sodium fluoride, which is added to many water supplies.
This is why so many communities who look into water fluoridation ultimately end up discontinuing the practice. Actually, Most developed nations in the world have rejected fluoridation, including 97% of western Europe. This, while the United States fluoridates more than 70% of its water supplies. According to the British Fluoridation Society, there are more people drinking artificially fluoridated water in the United States than all other countries combined. But as mentioned fluoridation is ending in more US communities every day.
As numerous scientists have explained – fluoride is not a benign substance, and the dental community “has no idea of the toxicology behind fluoride.” It is a neuro-toxin that can calcify the pineal gland and cause numerous other health issues.
For more information on the true harm that fluoride can do to human health, you can watch some well-informed experts here.
This is a huge success for any city, and a shining example for the many places in the world that still expose their communities to toxic fluoride via the water supply.
To my knowledge, sodium fluoride was only used for a short period of time. Only to be replaced by the hexafluosilicic acid variants.
I’m pretty sure that sodium fluoride is still used in some places, but it’s far less common than hexafluorosilicic acid. Sodium fluorosilicate is also used.
I live in Prince George and this was a hard faught battle to get the fluoride out of the water. The no side had to go up against the Northern Health Authority that was spreading misinformation, and the dental associations, as well as the downright ignorant to get the municipality to stop medicating the water supply. In the end the newly elected city council and mayor opted to side with the will of the voters in the referendum we had during our municipal election, even if they didn’t agree with the outcome. So it was as much a victory for direct democracy as it was for clean water free of fluoride. Now we will have the cleanest water in North America from our nechako aquifer in the new year!
Congrats! also folks stop arguing about which flavor of poison medication is in your water going to your brain. ITS WORKING
The International Academy of Oral medicine and Toxicology does not support the use of fluoride in dentistry, so why put it in our drinking water? Israel also has banned the use of fluoride in it’s drinking water. Bob needs to improve his knowledge quickly.