‘Cause Labeling’ Unfairly Assaults Alternative Thinkers
Legitimate causes and campaigns brought to the public light by activists and concerned individuals are being torn down through what I like to call ’cause labeling’ – the act of degrading the importance and legitimacy of any given health or political concern through placing the initiative into a preconceived category that carries negative characteristics.
You may be familiar with how figures in the political realm are quick to classify ideas and philosophies into either the ‘left’ or ‘right’ category regardless of their true nature and therefore creating a great divide.
Cause labeling is quite similar, though it affects not only political campaigns but also public health and the environment. One example of cause labeling involves the growing movement to remove BPA from products due to a number of well-established health concerns.
If you are opposed to BPA in products then you have been labeled as “anti-chemical” by many industry-funded publications, who fail to even respond to the scientific studies that prove BPA is dangerous to human health.
Research has linked BPA to infertility, diabetes, and much more. Canada has even labeled the substance as toxic back in 2009. Instead of addressing these issues, publications using cause labeling claim that anti-BPA activists are against all chemicals, which is completely absurd.
As you can see, cause labeling heavily relies on inflammatory and untrue characterizations of any given movement along with classifying the movement within an established category that is viewed as silly or outright moronic to the general public. This technique not only makes legitimate activists seem moronic if used properly, but it also threatens the progression of the health industry and the political realm.
Cause Labeling Sways Public Opinion, Stomps Out Necessary Change
Cause labeling is commonly used to squelch the voices of the health freedom movement. Here are a few more examples of cause labeling that lead to many being assaulted by the mainstream media:
- Those who question fluoride are conspiracy theorists.
- Those who question genetically modified foods are ‘anti-science’ and are afraid of ‘scientific advancement.’
- Those who question pharmaceutical drugs are ‘quacks.’
Meanwhile, thousands of studies highlight the dangers of these items, the entire lot of which is completely ignored.
Even the government has called for lower fluoride levels after multiple studies linked fluoride consumption with decreased IQ. Perhaps the United States government is full of anti-science conspiracy theorists? There is simply no room for real debate when cause labeling is used.
It’s time we that we call out these publications for using only cause labeling as their arguments against solid research and well-founded concerns.
Cause labeling is a sucker punch in the proverbial information street fight that is occurring between activists and the mainstream media each day.
This article is SPOT ON. I wish it was shared far and wide, then we'd all be a little bit better off…