Can Blood Tests Detect Cancer? Vitamin D Tests can Long Before Tumor Development

Can blood tests detect cancer? Dr. Cedric Garland of the University of California- San Diego has been working on the relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer for years. What he has found, but what’s remained quiet among mainstream medicine, could revolutionize cancer detection, prevention and treatment.
Can Blood Tests Detect Cancer? Vitamin D Tests Can
In this video interview released in 2009, Dr. Garland discusses his research with Carole Baggerly of Grassroots Health. He suggests that by simply raising Vitamin D in the blood, we could potentially prevent over 75% of breast cancer and colon cancer deaths annually.
This number is shocking and one who isn’t well informed of the workings of big medicine may be surprised that Vitamin D isn’t being pushed heavily by doctors and the government to help lessen the tragic effects of cancer. For those of us who stay informed of such things, however, their lack of enthusiasm isn’t surprising. The information answers the question ‘can blood tests detect cancer’ with a sounding ‘yes’.
Dr. Garland says a potential 50,000 cases of breast and colon cancer could be eliminated every year in the United States and Canada through a simple Vitamin D screening and subsequent supplementation. He says that rather than waiting for a tumor to develop—as is the case in traditional cancer treatment—we should be focusing on the early signs and causes of cancer, namely Vitamin D deficiency.
Published in the Anticancer Research: International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment, Dr. Garland and his fellow researchers say large doses of Vitamin D, large enough to prevent cancer, do not lead to toxicity and can be pursued by the general public.
It is recommended that in order to prevent cancer with Vitamin D, a blood level of 60-80 ng/ml of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D be present. What does this mean for the average person? Well, because your levels of Vitamin D can be so vastly different from the next person, a test is needed to get an accurate measurement.
Dr. Garland suggests getting such an evaluation and then basing your supplementation on the results. Their research suggests that if your current blood levels are 10 ng/ml, for example, a supplement of 1,000 IU/d would increase your blood level by 11 ng/ml. So, in order to reach the ideal level of 60-80 ng/ml, one would need to take about 5,000 IU/d of Vitamin D daily.
Vitamin D supplements are typically sold in dosages of 1,000 IU, 2,000 IU, or even 5,000 IU. Taking two to three of the 2,000 IU capsules daily could be enough to put you in the cancer-prevention zone. (Again, a blood test is needed to get to determine current blood levels and the amount needed to reach the target zone.) You can also skip the supplement bottle and get Vitamin D from a readily available source—the sun.
Can blood tests detect cancer? This information and the relationship between Vitamin D and cancer should be known by each and every person, as this knowledge could be enough to drastically improve your life.
Or you could go outside and take in a bit of sun everyday.
Since the advent of the widespread use of sunscreens and the admonition of no sun is safe sun, cases of cancer have risen incredibly. I don't believe in coincidence.
So can a Synchrometer test, that within minutes. Read The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers, 2007, HR Clark, PhD ND. Dr Clarks works, since 1995, are based on over half a million repeatable, so scientifically VALID bio-resonance Synchrometer tests.
I take 10,000 mg 3x's a week
Is there not a link between intake of excess Vitamin D and Depression ? I'm sure that I have read that overdosing on synthesised Vit D pills can lead to confusion and depression amongst some people
are these ok pills? are they synthetic? 50.000 is correct amount to take? Thanks
And I do not believer that 50.00o cases of brst. cancer are the cause of vitam. D deficiency .. hormones replacement, birth control ARE THE GUILTY PARTY no matter how much sun you take of vitam. D you have. A low vitam. D is only a small part and together with a combination of other issues – like environment, too many x-rays Cats, diet, exercise -lack of- etc etc.. is what makes the whole reason why we have a huge elevated amount of so many cancers in the last 15-20 years.
Hi I head all body pain low vitamin d eyes pain cofution brain fug I need help my dr don’t help me