1. Dezember 6, 2014 German Renewable Energy Keeps Blacking Out! Supply Often Less Than 2% Of Wintertime Demand

    Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, who forcefully conveyed the folly of Germany’s mad rush into renewable energy, and the country’s hysterical obsession with its suicidal fast-track shutdown of its stable base-electric-power generation.

  2. 01.06.2016 Author: F. William Engdahl Saudis Have Lost the Oil War

    Poor Saudi Arabia. They don’t realize it yet but they have lost their oil war. The war in its current phase began in September, 2014, when the dying King Abdullah and his Minister of Petroleum, Ali Al-Naimi, told US Secretary of State John Kerry they would gladly join Washington in plunging world oil prices. It became clear the main Saudi motive was to eliminate the new growing challenge to their control of world oil markets by forcing prices so low that the US shale oil industry would soon go bankrupt. For Kerry and Washington the focus, of course, was to economically cripple Russia in the wake of new US sanctions by damaging their revenues from export of oil. Neither achieved their aim.

    April 29, 2015 Energy superpower ‘Saudi America’ has been the world’s largest petroleum producer for 26 months in a row

    For the 26th month in a row starting in November 2012, “Saudi America” took the top spot again last December as the No. 1 petroleum producer in the world. Also, for the 26th straight month, total petroleum production (crude oil and other petroleum products like natural gas plant liquids, lease condensate, and refined petroleum products) in the US during the month of December at 14.83 million barrels per day (red line in chart) exceeded petroleum production in No. 2 Saudi Arabia (11.52 million barrels per day, see red line in chart).

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