BPA Highly Present in Canned Foods Marketed to Children

During the early stages of life, proper hormonal balance is essential for adequate growth and development. Bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-mimicker, can offset the hormonal balance of your body leading to conditions such as cancer and early puberty. Therefore, it is quite disturbing that a new study conducted by the Breast Cancer Fund has found that BPA is highly present in 6 different canned foods marketed specifically towards children.
The 6 canned goods that the study identified, along with the measure of BPA contamination measured in parts per billion (ppb), are as follows:
- Campbell’s Disney Princess Cool Shapes, Shaped pasta with Chicken in Chicken Broth – 114 ppb
- Campbell’s Toy Story Fun Shapes, Shaped Pasta with Chicken in Chicken Broth – 81 ppb
- Earth’s Best organic Elmo Noodlemania Soup USDA Organic – 38 ppb
- Annie’s Homegrown Cheesy Ravioli USDA Organic 31 ppb
- Chef Boyardee Whole Grain Pasta, Mini ABC’s & 123’s with Meatballs – 20 ppb
- Campbell’s Spaghettios with Meatballs – 13 ppb
The researchers concluded the study by discussing the health implications of BPA-laced food products that are being consumed by children nationwide:
“BPA in laboratory studies has been linked to increased risks for breast cancer, prostate cancer, early puberty,” said Gretchen Lee Salter, policy manager at the Breast Cancer Fund.
In January of 2010, even the US Food and Drug Administration reported concerns over BPA contamination. In a statement, the agency said that it was “taking reasonable steps to reduce human exposure” within the national food supply.
The presence of BPA is not limited to childhood food products, however. Another study found BPA to be present in 18 out of 20 most popular food cans:
Brand / Maker/ Contains BPA?
1. Heinz classic soup / Heinz / YES
2. John West canned fish / John West / YES
3. Heinz Baked Beans / Heinz / YES
4. Princes canned fish / Princes / YES
5. Napolina tomato products / Princes / YES
6 Branston Baked Beans / Premier Foods / YES
7. Tesco canned fish / Tesco / YES
8. Sainsbury canned fish / Sainsburys / YES
9. Green Giant Niblets / General Mills / YES
10. Princes Corned Beef / Princes / YES
11. Fray Bentos canned pies / Premier Foods / YES
12. Heinz Big Soup / Heinz / YES
13. Baxters Favourites Soup / Baxters / YES
14. Tesco Value tomato products / Tesco / NO
15. Asda canned fish / Asda / YES
16. Spam Chopped Ham/Pork / Spam / YES
17. Heinz Long Spaghetti / Heinz / YES
18 Heinz Beans with Pork Sausages / Heinz / YES
19 Tesco Value canned fish / Tesco / YES
20. Tesco canned fruit / Tesco / NO