Why You Should Ditch Canned Foods

Canned foods are convenient; they are cheap, and they can last a really long time. They are great if you are stocking up for a breakdown of the system as we know it or the zombie apocalypse. But, many canned goods carry a dangerous secret, Bisphenol-A (BPA). While it isn’t much of a secret anymore, the U.S. government would have you think there’s nothing to worry about, “nothing to see here.” While other governments have labeled this chemical compound a “toxic substance,” the FDA simply says they “need more research.”
Here’s what you need to know about BPA and canned goods:
- BPA is a known hormone disrupter, which mimics estrogen in the body. It has been tied to fertility problems and even breast and prostate cancer.
- Studies from Yale School of Medicine have concluded that BPA causes “adverse neurological effects.”
- BPA may be causing early onset puberty and reproductive “abnormalities”.
- It’s even been linked to ADHD.
It is quite disturbing that a study conducted by the Breast Cancer Fund has found that BPA is highly present in 6 different canned foods marketed specifically towards children. These canned goods are leaking BPA, and causing numerous health problems. Some research from Harvard University found that eating canned soup can spike your urinary bisphenol A levels by 1,200% compared to fresh soup.
While the U.S. recently banned the use of BPA in baby bottles, it remains in most plastic food containers and the lining of canned goods. In 2010, Canada became the first country to outright name BPA as a toxic substance. If government scientists there are willing to step up and make that bold statement, don’t you think they might have some pretty good evidence?
Sadly, it seems nearly impossible to avoid all BPA because it is so prevalent. However, you can reduce your exposure by giving up canned goods.
- Find canned or preserved goods in glass jars.
- Preserve your own foods.
- Eat fresh whenever possible.
- Don’t expose anything containing BPA to the microwave, dishwasher, or heat in general. Heat hastens and amplifies the BPA-leaking process.
If we had to wait on the U.S. government to tell us which foods were bad for us, we’d all be eating lab-created, genetically modified, BPA-laden foods. Oh wait, we are.
Take charge of your health and leave the canned goods for the apocalypse.
Additional Sources:
Knowing is half the battle.
did you guys ask if anybody puts food in BPA -free cans? I am pretty sure Eden does.
Consider non stick cookware KILLS most birds in homes. There is a reason Mining companies put canaries in mine shaft operations, they die from toxins to warn humans to GET OUT! Next time you fire up that non-stick cookware, consider death and toxins as a byproduct of your dinner. Try cast iron skillets and cooking pots, been around hundreds of years, lasts generations.