Going Green: Anheuser-Busch to Use Only Renewable Energy Sources by 2025

In response to climate change warnings, the world’s largest beer company has announced plans to use only renewable energy sources like wind and solar by the year 2025. [1]
Anheuser-Busch (AB InBev), the maker of Budweiser beer, has committed to 100% renewable energy sources, making it the largest “direct purchaser of renewable electricity in the global goods sector.” The move would shift 6 terawatt-hours of electricity annually from fossil fuels to solar, wind, and other renewable sources. That’s almost enough to power all of Spain for a month. [1] [2]
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The company says it will generate 25% of its electricity itself and will accomplish its goal by installing solar panels on its facilities. The remaining power necessary will be purchased from wind and solar farms. Included in the agreement will be the purchase of 490 gigawatt-hours annually from Iberdrola SA to power AB InBev’s facilities in Mexico. Iberdrola will launch operations in 2019 to help supply AB InBev’s power. [2]
AB InBev CEO Carlos Brito said in a statement:
“Climate change has profound implications for our company and for the communities where we live and work. Cutting back on fossil fuels is good for the environment and good for business, and we are committed to helping drive positive change. We have the opportunity to play a leading role in the battle against climate change by purchasing energy in a more sustainable way.” [1]
[1] The Daily Meal