1. If I said it once I said it a thousand times, The FDA has becomes a useless organization that works for large chemical corporations and does not protect “We the people”, they were designed to serve”.
    In retrospect they should be closed down once and for all.

  2. Everywhere you look one can see where folate and folic acid are used interchangeably, but do not be fooled as this well written Christina Sarich’s article states above.
    Yes folic acid is synthetic and is even more absorbable than folate, but so what.
    Folate, which comes from green foods such as spinach and brussel sprouts, to name two, Is more effective in the long run than the synthetic folic acid that is found fortifying many foods today.
    Back when, the media ran an article asking is folate/folic acid/Vitamin B9, giving us cancer? For you see this article came up about breakfast cereals and it is folic acid that is fortified in cereals, breads, etc, and Not folate.
    So this tells me that it is folic acid causing the estimated additional 15,000 cancers deaths a year and not folate which many people think is the same and is getting a bad rap.
    Man-made molecules like drugs do unpredictable things in out body because they don’t
    work with our normal biochemical body pathways. Nature on the other hand has developed molecules we have consumed for millennium and work well with our bodies.

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