75% of Heart Disease Patients Given Wrong Drug Dosage, Study Finds

A new study by the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute found that roughly 75 percent of Americans suffering from coronary artery disease are being prescribed wrong drug dosages. Doctors are neglecting a simple test that could ensure dosages appropriate for each individual’s body. This, in effect, puts their patients at greater risk of uncontrolled bleeding, blood clot development, and other problems.
Doctors Missing the Sweet Spot
In the study, researchers found that the one-dose-fits-all method was poorly-suited for most of the 521 heart disease subjects: half were getting too little and a quarter were getting too much.
“There’s a sweet spot, an appropriate range for each patient. But we found that not many people are falling into that range,” says cardiologist Brent Muhlestein of the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute. “We showed that by performing a simple blood test to see whether or not the blood is clotting properly, we can determine whether patients are getting an appropriate individualized dose of the medications. The test is easy to perform, but not widely used.”
Two blood-thinning drugs—clopidogrel (Plavix) and prasugrel (Effient)—are at the heart of the study, which was presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012. Too low of a dose of these drugs fails to prevent clots (but comes with a lovely string of side effects including digestive difficulties and seizures). Too high of a dosage can cause mortal internal bleeding, along with the rest of the side-effects.
The news comes after it was found that Big Pharma has been testing a heavy duty narcotic painkiller – Oxycontin – on children as young as 6 years old.
Prevent and Heal Heart Disease Naturally
You can naturally prevent and reverse heart disease and stroke without relying on Big Pharma’s (deadly) helping hand. In addition to implementing these tips on how to prevent a stroke, start by:
- Eliminating (or at least cutting down) soda and sugary drinks intake.
- Avoid use of antidepressants.
- Adopt a healthy diet high in fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
- Cook with olive oil or coconut oil to fight heart disease and excess weight.
- Spice up your life with turmeric and other foods shown to prevent heart disease.
Additional Sources:
Articles like this are not complete unless they provide some supporting statistics, so in this case I will.
The medical industry kills around 200,000 yearly and injures another 1-2 million. These are their own numbers – really easy to Google.
Though the advice in the article is useful, it is far from complete. You need other heart supporting nutrients such as fish oil (EFA), selenium, and calcium. And as long as you're taking those, include good multi vit/min and antioxidants.