Assaulting Cancer: 5 Natural Ways to Boost Natural Killer Cells

Natural killer cells are white blood cells (lymphocytes) that seek out and kill cancerous or otherwise mutating cells that can harm the body. Also known as NK cells or just K cells, these natural killer cells are a natural part of our immune systems. Considering that 1/3 of the population is expected to get cancer in their lifetime, it would behoove us to boost our body’s natural ability to reduce cancerous tumors and virally infected cells. Below you will learn how to boost natural killer cells naturally.
Killer cells are cytotoxic – that means that they are bad for a cancer cell, and good for us. Small granules in a killer cell cytoplasm contain proteins called perforin and protease (granzymes) that help to kill unwanted, or diseased cells.
“New findings show that natural killer (NK) cell activity is modulated by exogenous (including dietary) and endogenous ligands for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). AHR was found to be mainly expressed by conventional splenic NK cells following cytokine stimulation.”
Numerous studies point out how various foods or substances can naturally activate our immune system’s natural killer cells to assault cancer cells. One example is how sea cucumber, found to kill 95% of various cancer cells, can activate NK cells.
Other research points to turkey tail mushroom for increasing the number of natural killer cells and their function activity after ingestion. (Takeaway: utilize sea cucumber or turkey tail mushroom to boost NK cells. Those are ways 1 and 2).
3 More Ways to Boost NK Cells
Here are a few easy ways to boost our naturally occurring killer cells so that we can fight one of the biggest diseases of all time:
- 3. Take More Vitamin C – This vitamin is not only good for fighting colds and flu, but it boosts the activation of both T-cells and NK cells so that your immune system has extra armor to protect you against a host of diseases, including cancer. The Journal of Immunology confirms that ridiculously high doses aren’t required. Just 1000 mg a day can help boost the immune system.
- 4. Get Your Daily E – In addition to boosting the production of killer cells, vitamin E also supports the making of B cells – also utilized by our immune systems to produce antibodies and kill bacteria. You can get the recommended 60 mg a day from nuts, grains, seeds and vegetable oils. Further, vitamin E intake lowers the risk of heart disease.
- 5. Eat Your Beta Carotene – As the name suggests, this important vitamin found in carrots can help boost killer cells as well as helper T-cells so that your immune system can fight a number of diseases. Foods full of beta carotene include sweet potatoes, kale, turnip greens, spinach, dried herbs, and mustard greens, just to name a few.
Preventing cancer may be as simple as eating whole, natural foods. Who knew?
It is quite natural that the “Journal of Immunology” “…confirms that ridiculously high doses aren’t required” since it is not to the the mainstreem medicine interests that Vitamin C works. Ascorbic acid is a dirty chip industrial substanse and nobody can make money on it.
Great point!!
What is wrong about telling that you do not need to eat ridiculously high doses of vitamin C. With that they say a pill a day is enough. What is wrong with that?
“Numerous studies point out how various foods or substances can naturally activate our immune system’s natural killer cells to assault cancer cells.” – Yes, if applied to cancer cells growing in a petri dish or being injected in high concentrations (for proteins) into the abdominal cavity. Not a word that these substances work when you eat and digest those substances, nor that it is at all possible to eat as much to reach active dosages. But it is of course only the pharmaceutical industry that is accused of making money out of misinformation. Sea cucumbers when eaten DO NOT KILL cancer cells – just read the article! Stop acting stupid. Any really active substance would be widely marketed – as you can make serious money even out of selling cheap vitamin C.
For the last time: Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) is a DIRTY CHIP substance of the food industrie. Is this clear enough.?..
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Dont forget ur Vitamin b12 the right one not the wrong one. And More omega 3 cuz we get too Much omega 6 already fRom corn oil produCts n stuff. They Like balance each other n it has to b a ratio of like 1:4 . 1 being the omega 3 and 4 being the 6. We usually have like 1:20 or sometHing like that which is like way off the charts.
Ohh n sunwatching or sumtHin like that while grounding urself with eaRth or dirt helps many things also. 1hr after suntise 1 hr b4 sunset. Start at 10 sec only n work ur way up 10 sec each day til reach 44min maxxxx after like 9 months ofdoing 10 sec each day. Research it. Its interesting. They evn day doing this and then just dRinking a lil bit of water ppl could have energy without food.
You can also boost your NK cells using MRET activated water. I just found this study after purchasing the i-h2o activator in Chapter 45 of The Effect of MRET (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology) Activated Water on Enhanced Tumor Resistance in Oncology written by Dr. Igor Smirnov. I became a distributor because I believe it is super important to drink structured water and it was even featured in The Truth About Cancer series Episode #7.