1. Don't forget the toxic legacy of Bhopal, all thanks to Dow Chemical

    1. That was Union Carbide my friend. Google search The Ode to Monsanto's CEO! for a chill from 1994! The GMOs BS came to life in 1996!

  2. Royal Scots Highland says:

    When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


    RON PAUL 2012

  3. This is a case of blaming the wrong people for a crime.

    Monsanto and Dow did NOT unilaterally go to Vietnam and poison the land, the people and our soldiers.

    They got their orders from the US government. They got contracts from our representatives to do this. They got paid by the US taxpayer who said nothing.

    Yes, they knew that their product was toxic, but they were hired by the world's largest terrorist organization, the US government and carried out the job.

    They all should be on the gallows, not just the 2 companies.

  4. Mark Shapiro says:

    Readers are encouraged to visit 'The Agent Orange Action Group' at http://www.aoag.org Monsanto = Agent Orange = Murder! Thank you Monsanto!

  5. Why you don't try to disqualify those judges.

    1. Just Another Tyson C says:

      LOL ! The Judges are pro-anti-human serial killers.

      (Heh! In Monsanto's case they are "cereal" killers too!)Funny stuff!

      If they are not pro mega serial killer then Monsanto has mercenary hitmen they can hire from Blackwater,er Xe,er,Academi!

      The great thing about using international Mercenaries is that they are above the law!

      Monsanto pays merc's $500k to infiltrate food rights groupss.

      LOL Food rights!I think if you need those then you might have someone having a nice one sided war with you!

      Anyway if they can pay $500k to infiltrate a food rights group,they have plenty to teach judges lessons.That is if you can find one "judge" that has the moral terptitude to bite the hand that feeds it!

      Look…the public private anti human terrorists indulge in all their wildest desires and can buy and sell anyone or anything.

      The people on top of all this probably have brains full of syphilis squiriming like toads in their heads from all their wanton pleasures that leave them forever wanting.Now they want you to die and shut up.C'mon do it! MAYBE that will get them out of their depression.The funny thing is when they finally kill us off they will really enjoy killing off their helpers,and then each other! That's when their real fun begins!

      They can always offer the mercs money to go to a dangerous location then they can drone them to death with a push of a button! It's gonna be hilarious!

      It's one bigger psycho orgasm after another for them Then we will be finally avenged! See? There's a silver lining in even the darkest cloud!

  6. Just Another Tyson C says:

    The public private anti-human mega racists want you dead.They are being nice about it.Look…just do what they want and enjoy yourself and consume everything they supply you and ask for more.

    They are going to kill you one way or another and as long as they have you tied up in their dungeon world they KNOW you are going to try and wriggle out.

    It's funny for them! You are entertainment!

    The not mad scientists they employ have many many many ways to cleanse the earth of their hated human vermin,there is electromagnetic poisoning,there is mashed pesticide potatoes for you to eat! Live it up!It's slow poisoning.I think they are being very benevolent.You live in their roach motel and you can go in and munch up your pesticides and you can still live long enough to watch the Superbowl,and enetrtain yourselves watching their visual programs and learn the details about your favorite star!

    They did fight for your rights to marry people of the same sex so you can have the best fun ever while you are being slow poisoned off the face of their earth.

    Slow poisoning isn't so bad! You can't live forever you know.Just die already,knowing the antihuman megaracists will have a fabulous yacht party and at least you will have provided them some entertainment!The kind mass murderers squeal in glee over!

    Once you're dead they become gods.And they truly earned it!They figured out one way war!They are smarter than you!You're like a chicken in the darkened Tyson megafarm spending your vermin lifde on their cage wire 24/7 neveer even seeing your baby chicks!But they have everyone convinced it's fun!

    Nobody here is smart enough to overcome the anti-humans.

    Learn to pray….

    Sooner or later you will.

    They sang Nearer My God To Thee on the Titanic just as it was going (BLOOP!)down.


  7. so when can we expect our armies to come in and save the day?

  8. I would love a military coup here in the USA.

  9. hearts&spades says:

    Most human beings are pathetic. They grovel to overlords and sell out one another (all in the name of self-interest). Morally lazy, they couldn't be bothered with thinking anything through except for the small matters that occupy their myopic vision. They follow the herd with ease, hop up and down about whose god or government is superior, spend hours in idle gossip, cringe from their own shadow and project it on to someone else. The elites have studied this creature for a very long time and know exactly how to manipulate it. However, like so many millions of ants, elitist agenda requires those numbers to be brought down to something more controllable. Personally I'd like to see catastrophic earth events bring Everyone down. It's the only way the whole rotten system will disappear. You think I'm being nihilistic in saying all this? Indeed I am, but it beats the delusion that people are going to voluntarily give up any of their power and goodies in the name of conscience and fairness. A small minority are still capable of that, too few unfortunately.

    1. Catherine Todd says:

      Hearts & Spades, you said it all:

      "Most human beings are pathetic."

      And those very few who aren't driven by fear, self-interest and greed are the ones we call Heroes and Saints.

      God save us all.

  10. I Li ve in Nitro,WV, where Dioxin was made, Talk about illnesses

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