1. Jacqueleen says:

    Business & Politics as usual….. Nobody thinks much of the FDA anyway. That department has always been in the pocket of the elite.

    1. The question, then, is what will WE do about it. We MUST elect officials who are for the PEOPLE, not for the corporations. This year, there are only two such candidates – Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein. Of those two, only Bernie is a viable candidate.

  2. FDA = Fraud and Death Administration. It has a BIG conflict of interest in ‘overseeing’ both food AND drugs. Pushing drugs also requires the suppression of healthful foods and healthful supplements (vitamins, herbs, minerals) that can cure many conditions and have already proved SAFE over the years.

    Pharma-pusher Califf said: “To advance, we must find common ground with industry and academia on
    the science without compromising [the] fundamental role of the FDA.”

    Yeah, right. We already KNOW that corporations REPRESS truthful studies and HARASS scientists who publish such studies, even ruining their careers.

    We also know that immoral people at Monsanto et al. have merged their bioweapons/GMOs/agrichemicals corporations with pharmaceutical corporations. – Feel secure yet?

    Had enough corporatist-fascism yet?

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