1. The American people are to busy devolving to care or even notice what they eat. You can see this as you drive by any chain fast-food place, as the lines are all full of people consuming nutritional void food. I for one cannot wrap my mind around the world anymore. The information is out there and provided free of charge, and yet people refuse to listen. I have stopped trying to get through to those who are in my opinion, beyond help and focus instead on those who genuinely are concerned. You can educate the illiterate, but you cannot fix stupid. People want to point fingers at our leaders in D.C., and send them all of the blame. I see those in power as a direct reflection of most Americans. Until we come together as a nation, and stop the finger pointing nothing will change. It is a game as old as time, and yet people still fall for it.

  2. My wife and I actively look for stuff like high fructose corn syrup in products we buy or MSG and actively avoid such foods I do not buy wheat bread, nor anything with Lard in it. We also do not go to fast food joints very often. I once asked a pizza hut why they did not sell whole wheat pizza, but the said they tried it once and it did not sell well as people did not want it, sigh. Whole wheat is better for you as it has not been stripped of its nutritional value and it even tastes better.

    1. I meant I do not buy white bread (supposedly enriched flower).

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