1. Article sez: “Ninety percent of Americans support country-of-information labeling on meat products, according to a 2013 survey.”

    So once again, Congress has snottily shown its disdain of normal American citizens; and once again we see the lethal foolishness of allowing injurious riders into so-called ‘must-pass’ bills.

  2. Just STOP eating meat! Its animal abuse, plus you’re eating GMO crap, toxins and growth hormones.

  3. EUGENE MATTEO says:

    Screw the WTO and congress they are to be looking out for the people of this country. I give a dam less about other countries problems they need to deal with it. Our congress has been doing this for years that’s why most of the businesses and plants left this country and went else where. Its time they pay attention to the American peoples wishes; the people who pay them. NOT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS WHO PAY FOR THEIR CAMPAIGN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE

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