1. John Cook says:

    Real sea salt contains salts other than sodium chloride which means that they stay wet as those other salts absorb water from the air. This makes them a little inconvenient because they just don’t work in salt shakers. But if you want salt that is actually GOOD for you then just put up with it, and Don’t believe the liers if their “sea salt” is not damp.

    1. put sea salt in a grinder, problem solved

    2. celiayounger says:

      just put 1/2 tsp. of white rice in the salt shaker. it will absorb the humidity

  2. Your list ought to include ALL GMOs – now that I think about it, if you’d said only eat organic (and don’t tell me that can’t be done because I do it on a limited income) you wouuldn’t even have had to bother with this list at all.

    1. smoother.d.cycler says:

      Bravo Gonzo! Organic and income does not equals nutritional failure. Most of us over eat to begin with. Most restaurants serve 2-3 portions above the amounts that you need to survive the day, and rarely contain all the nutrients we need (and we feel like we need to “clean the plate” because our parents tolds us to do so…”cause so many children in the world are going hungry”) Those in a no-exercise lifestyle, and with sedentary jobs should eat less amounts, and more healty.

      1. I so agree. Before my friend was able to go to nutrition therapy school, she raised her family (incl four children) on a Weston Price type diet that was all organic and paid for the food with food stamps. People just have to be interested enough in taking care of themselves. Saying that you can’t afford it, is just a cop out.

  3. “only eat organic”?? talk about falling for the marketing blitz. Organic foods are often not truly organic and secondly to achieve the same results as chemical pesticides and fertilisers, organic farmers have to use much higher volumes of far more toxic “natural” products – they’re more toxic to us, but because they’re natural they’re ok?

    1. Donnie Foster says:

      So you’re saying that eating organic is no better than any other fruit or veggie? Sources or examples of some foods you have found to be labeled incorrectly would be nice. And how do you know that they are not organic? I mean really, how do you ever know Know?…Unless you grow your own =) Id say eating truly organic is difficult but something to strive for.

      1. celiayounger says:

        some foods have labels with coding if the code begins with certain number is GMO ___8, // is organic ___9, // non gmo ____ ? but no organic and from other contries may begin w/ 3, or 4 and doesn’t tell us if it GMO OR NOT. deceptive labeling (all) natural, GMO free, pure etc just remember if any food contains, IN their lable, soy,corn, wheat, beets,cotton oil or canola oil as ingredients the product is GMO and should be avoided. like corn starch, or maltodextrin (corn) or other products that say: may contain… corn, soy, or ….

        1. Fred Schadeck says:

          NOT just “beets”, SUGAR beets are GMO… regular beets are not a problem. Just use cane sugar to avoid this.

    2. What natural products are you referring to?

    3. smoother.d.cycler says:

      Ever been to an organic farm? Real organic farms don’t use “natural” pesticides. It is virtually impossible to eat only organic in the United States, unless you grow your own, for your own sustainment…but wait, we need to pay the mortgage, water, electricity, heating gas, car gas, so that is why we must buy a car to work somewhere else and buy GMO food, thus we forget about our backyard farm
      Oh, we pay the price of progress with of our own health.

    4. celiayounger says:

      Not to long ago i read a magazine that was talking about several organic farms & product were highly contaminated with pesticides and herbicides. the close the farms, finally they find out the the company that supplied the organic fertilizers and manure used in the farm were contaminated too… finally they find out the manure was horse manure. horses were eating in grounds full with pesticides.

  4. Paul H Kemp says:

    Generally great information that simplifies the modern puzzle of what’s safe and healthy to eat. The one point I have never heard before is #6. The health expert I respect above all others, Dr. Joel Wallach, mentions no exceptions to his recommendation to get ALL gluten-bearing foods out of our diet. I will have to look into that one. You may be right. (I was eating only sprouted whole wheat Ezekial Bread for years and didn’t seem to have any problem from it. Now that I am gluten-free, I’m not sure I feel better because of it.)
    Our modern diet choices are definitely a “mine-field” of potential health-destroying food ingredients, made for the convenience and profit of food marketers — NOT to improve our health, no matter what they say. Thanks for this list!

  5. How so? Just because you say so?

  6. celiayounger says:

    Well i will like a list of most common GMO’s like zucchini beets, and …more on the list …beside cotton, soy, wheat, corn. CAN YOU GIVE US A LIST? THANK YOU.

  7. celiayounger says:

    THE GMO list that i know: wheat, soy, corn, zucchini, squash & some types of beets, papayas (from Hawaii ) canola, corn oil, tomatoes, sugar, cotton oil, vegetable oil, anything with soy or corn or wheat -like pasta-, (not organic) BUT OK IF THEY are organic…. i will like to have a complete list…Apples, oranges? pears? melons? water melon? beans? salmon? grapes? etc etc… (some places are listing these fruits to be GMO’s

    1. Look at the bar code if it starts with a 9 it is organic… 8 is gmo….. 7 and below means standard with pesticides. Fooducate is a good phone app grading the food items such as A, B, C, and so on as well as telling you if it is gmo. Also recommend a good Health Store for fruit and vegetables and flour and condiments still read your labels. The store I use is 95% Organic.

  8. Turin Turambar says:

    Modern man is the most unhealthy we’ve ever been. So what if we’re living longer than ever and have conquered hundreds of diseases.
    I mean they were much healthier hundreds of years ago right?

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